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Click the button to download the ActionCAM quick start guide PDF.
How To Create a Bootable SD for Your ActionCAM
What you'll need...
Before you begin make sure you have:
ActionCAM self assembly kit box
Desktop PC/Laptop
Micro SD card reader/adapter
16gb (minimum) Micro SD card
Programs you'll need:
SD card formatter tool from the SD Association
Place Micro SD card into the card reader/adaptor​
A windows computer will prompt you with a message asking what you would like to do with the volume, ignore this and open the SD formatter tool.
Ensure the correct device is named in the in the top bar on the program, then click format and wait for it to complete.
Once the SD card has been formatted, open Win32DiskImager
If you haven't already, download the ActionCAM ISO from our website HERE
Back on Win32DiskImager select the ActionCAM ISO as the 'image file', then ensure your SD cards identifier is in the window labelled 'device'.
Click 'write' to begin creating your bootable ActionCAM SD card.

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